New Moon Sagittarius...

Happy New Moon in Sagittarius:


This is an exciting new moon (at least it feels that way to me) … one major theme I feel associated with this new moon is making the most of what we’ve got and being grateful for it ALL.  


Some key words that I feel represent this new moon are explore, optimism, spontaneity, adventure and self-love, which is perfect because in 5 days (Dec1st) we start our self-love challenge here in Shine Tribe-yipeeeee.  


This new moon feels lighter and more loving to me than some of the past new moons (which allowed us to dig deep into our shadows).  It’s allowing us an opportunity for introspection and reflection (all new moons do really)… but this one feels BIGGER.


This new moon in Sag is creating an opportunity for us to be bold, hatch new projects and step out of our shell.  It’s providing a loving container to get radically honest with ourselves about what we REALLY want out of our next year, 2020. 


It’s giving us the space to question old habits, behaviors and belief systems… what do we want to carry with us into 2020 and what would we like to leave behind in 2019?


This beautiful new moon energy is challenging us to come up with new and inventive ways to move forward in the coming year.



One thing to be mindful of is other planetary involvements during this new moon can cause unexpected changes (all for the best and highest though)… these changes will literally break us through what’s been holding us back… even though this can be uncomfortable it will all be for our HIGHEST and BEST moving forward- REMEMBER THAT!  

If this new moon brings up anxiety or irritability here’s a breathing technique you can use (Relax/Release Breath)… Inhale for a count of 4 through the nostrils. Exhale through an O mouth for a count of 6.  


Practice this breath a minimum of 11x before you respond to anything or anyone- it truly helps. 


You can also move a muscle, change a thought! Meditate, get outside in nature to lift your vibration and recalibrate your whole nervous system. 


Here are some journal prompts that I’m digging into for this new moon and feel free to use and share them if you’d like.


1.    What, if anything, in my past is preventing me from moving forward? 

2.   What lessons are available to me right now to learn from my past? 

3.   What areas of my life will benefit from this new beginning?

4.   What does this new beginning look and feel like?

5.   What would you like to leave behind in 2019?

6.   What is your BIG picture for 2020? (Jan-March, April-June, July-Sept, Oct-Dec… create your fluid plan)


Above all else remember that healing happens miraculously and spontaneously, we don’t have to stay stuck anywhere.  We have power waaay beyond what we previously have been taught and ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE so don’t quit your daydreams and ALWAYS follow your fun! 


Love you,




#followyourfun #beyourownsunshine #youhavepowerunmeasureable #happynewmoonblessings #selflove